The Effects of Sugar on Aging

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The Effects Of Sugar On The Signs Of Aging

If you decide to limit your sugar intake as recommended in the Dietary Guidelines, it will benefit your health as well as the health of your skin.

Therefore, as recommended, you should consume up to 10% of your daily calories in the form of added sugars (this does not include sugar that is naturally found in fruits and other foods), and even better is to cut this amount in half. Of course a tough test, but the results are well worth the effort.

Excess Sugar Forms Harmful Compounds

“Diets high in sugar affect skin health from the inside out. Sugar molecules bind to the collagen and elastin protein in the skin through a process called glycation. This process creates harmful end-to-end compounds (Advance Glycosyl Endogenous Compounds), abbreviated as AGE,” explained the dermatologist American, Dr Joel Schlesinger".

The negative effects of AGE are premature aging and skin problems.

“The damage from AGE end products can be seen in the form of fine lines and wrinkles, and in thin, pale skin,” Dr Schlesinger explains.

"AGEs can also inhibit the formation of new collagen and elastin, which prevents the skin from recovering normally."

Several studies have confirmed that a diet high in blood sugar can cause rashes.

Foods that affect the rapid rise of blood sugar, such as candy, white bread, white pasta, sweet and savoury cakes, sugary drinks, etc. By quickly raising blood sugar, also stimulates hormones that lead to the formation of excess sebum, and thus acne.

Don’t Give Up! But Make The Right Decisions

If you can't resist eating sweets, Dr. Schlesinger advises choosing skin-friendly calories:

  1. Choose the chocolate with the highest cocoa content, which means it has the lowest sugar content.

  2. Treat yourself to juices with lower fructose content. Also,

  3. Watch out for sweeteners in seemingly healthy foods, such as canned compote and fruit yoghurt.

  4. Read food labels and avoid those containing sucrose or corn syrup.